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Writer's pictureChristian J. Farber

Wisdom Is Using a Nose Hair Trimmer For Your Ears!

Yep, that was the tipping point for me. Many say when your hair turns grey is when people start using your name in the context of the "W" word. While this has been the case for me, it did start a bit earlier on, which I guess I feel good about. 

I remember when I decided I had to buy a trimmer to keep my nose groomed properly. I was bummed for a couple of weeks but wasn't going to use those little scissors which were more apt to poke or cut you as you did the work.  

I got through it and years passed, the hair on my head started to turn grey, then I noticed that I would need to trim around my ears.

So what to do.

Have a barber do it? Seemed like passing the buck to me. 

Use the little scissors?

Nope, again too dangerous.


Use the nose hair trimmer. The investment would reap additional rewards by serving two distinct functions. My experience was working.

It is so strange when you start to use your collective experience to make decisions. Situations appear and you just instinctively seem to know what to do. This happens in business all the time now. I have been around the block a few times and tried and failed and succeeded at many things in my career. I rarely am surprised now because I have experienced a lot. More importantly, I have surrounded myself with a team of pro's that know how important it is not to surprise management, customers and prospects. 

However, no matter how experienced you are, occasionally a surprise rears it's ugly head and you find yourself explaining yourself to your manager or worse, a prospect or a client. These are the experiences that remind you of your imperfection and keep you on your toes so as not to repeat the undesired action. I recently experienced a Bill Buckner moment with a client and was so annoyed I spent a weekend from hell with myself then went into work and explained the situation to the CEO and management team. 

There's just no other way around it. If you bury, or try to hide poor decisions, they will pop up at precisely the wrong moment and hurt your credibility.

At the end of the day, all you have is your integrity. The integrity score is one of those that starts at 100 and only goes down. Once reduced through your actions, it can either stay static over time, or fall.

Whatever your score is, it is at its high right now so don't do anything to reduce it. 

Like good grooming use your wisdom to make good decisions. When you mess up, admit it, fix it and move on. 

My best, Chris

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About Chris

Christian J. Farber

After a thriving corporate career, Chris now enjoys retirement at the Jersey Shore. As a prostate cancer survivor, he's committed to educating men about the disease and covers various topics like Alcoholism, Multiple Sclerosis, and Career Success in his featured writing on platforms such as The Good Men Project, Huffington Post, and Thrive Global.

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