Heaven or Hell? A Lifetime of Yesterday’s 10/22/24
There are barricades before both heaven and hell. They have been there since the day you were born. You earn your way in based on the life you lead. We have many options and opportunities to choose from along the way. Like a woodpecker, we peck away at both based on our actions. Only one hole, though, will be big enough to fit you through. Choose your actions wisely.
Your childhood surroundings are vital in getting off to a good start but also hold the malleable parts of us that can become woebegone, erratic, and disillusioned. My boyhood was hard. While I was popular and had lots of friends, I did struggle. I spent time with older kids, which would be both a blessing and a curse. I was falsely accused, threatened to be shot, and lived in a household that was full of fear. I suffered trauma from others as well as things I would do to myself. These experiences both take a toll on us and serve as valuable experiences to draw on as we age and put ourselves out there for relationships, work, parenting, and plain living. I feel lucky to have endured along my journey and to cast off some of those weighing me down. I enjoy thinking about life and living. I think about it daily, and I am thankful for that.
In short, I can't die now; I have a lot more to do.
